Ice ripper

Siljum's ice ripper is designed for especially icy road conditions where a normal ripper blade or plow is not enough. The ice ripper is used, for example, on streets, walkways and cycle paths where the ice often becomes thick and difficult to process.
The plow can also be used for excavating soil or other materials.


  • Simple and smooth ice ripping.
  • Easy positioning of the ice ripping blade during plowing.
  • Equipped with shock valves and single-acting cylinders.
  • The standard models have cylinder dimensions 95/80 for the turn.
  • The HD models have cylinder dimensions 115/90 for the turn.


  • Can be equipped with multi-wings, which means that it is easy to push the snow even past the walkway.
  • The wings can be angled 90 degrees backwards and 70 degrees forwards.
  • The wings can be lifted 140 mm above the ground surface.
  • The standard models have cylinder dimensions 80/50 for the wings.
  • The HD models have cylinder dimensions 110/63 for the wings.

Technical data

Art. no. Product name Width (mm) Height (mm) Weight, approx. (kg)Machine weight (tonnes)
1210201-063400 EKO HD34008402550
1210192-023700 EKO HD37008402750
2210292-063700 EKO HD with wings61008403300
3210660-03Weight box for model EKO1100
Note: The HD model comes with HD cylinders and front and rear HD frame.

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